patch 4

null. is a game i've made in Pico-8 in 2023.

it is heavily inspired by Jump King.

it is very simple: climb to the top, and win!

screenshot of the game. it is 1-3, and there are multiple grass platforms, and a square character that aims towards a small platform.


How to play

← and →: Move cursor
Z,C or N: Charge jump
X,V or M: Enable better precision, show screen and section name
↑ and ↓: Look at the next or previous screen


thearst3rd, Enternios, bagelcat: Alpha testing
Lime Tuna, Robyn: Music/sound design feedback
Yasunori Mitsuda, Sylvain Hellio, Xavier Thiry, Jeroen Tel: Original composers for end-game music
Users on the Pico-8 forum: Help with SFX Memory Manipulation
Maddy Thorson, Noel Berry: Tiles


1.0 - 2023/06/30

Added setting to show jumps on X menu
Fixed bug with wind resetting after a long time
Fixed autosplitter helpers

beta2 - 2023/06/24

Added Screen ID and Section name to new X menu
Fixed bug regarding slopes and the edge of the screen
Settings now save and load
Added autosplitter helpers

beta1 - 2023/06/16

Initial release